Ulwazi Programme Schools’ Project Report

With funding assistance from the Goethe Institut, we have helped to roll out the Ulwazi Programme to township and rural schools in a bid to create opportunities to enhance ICT skills among the youth and generate interest in their own history and culture. The Ulwazi School’s project will be run at four township and rural …

The Number in my Pocket: the Power of Mobile Technology for the Exchange of Indigenous Knowledge

Niall McNulty and Ulwazi project leader Betsie Greyling presented a poster at the The Third International m-libraries Conference (https://www.usq.edu.au/m-libraries) in Brisbane, Australia recently.  The poster outlined the Ulwazi Programme’s plans for developing a system to collect indigenous knowledge via mobiles phones in the eThekwini Municipality. View the poster … Read the abstract …

Libraries and games – a paradigm shift

A couple of weeks back we helped the Ulwazi Programme put on a display for a Library Week event held for eThekwini Municipality schoolchildren.  As part of the display, we had a big-screen TV playing oral history interviews we had done over the past few years, as well as a few computers where the schoolchildren …

Taking control of the medium

A core component of the Ulwazi Programme, which uses volunteer field-workers to collect indigenous knowledge and local history from their own communities, is the transference of digital skills.  Many field-workers arrive at the Programme offices with limited ICT skills – some never having worked on a computer before – and we conduct a series of …