Taking control of the medium

A core component of the Ulwazi Programme, which uses volunteer field-workers to collect indigenous knowledge and local history from their own communities, is the transference of digital skills.  Many field-workers arrive at the Programme offices with limited ICT skills – some never having worked on a computer before – and we conduct a series of workshops with them, teaching them basic computer usage, working with content online and the use of digital  recording equipment (audio, image and video).

This process can sometimes be frustrating but the field-workers who stick it out acquire a valuable new set of skills.  So, on a recent research trip to Umbumbulu, it was very rewarding to see Bongiwe and Zanele (the two field-workers from the area) take control of the shoot, from correctly framing the shot to operating the video and audio recorders.  Working with the Programme team, they’ll then edit the video, transcribe and translate the interview and create a page on the Ulwazi Community Memory for it.

All in all, a job well done!

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  1. Hi
    I think that you are doing a good work special for people like us in deep rural areas where we do not have IT skills we are so isolated. we at Vryheid but far from town 30 km youth and wemen need IT skills and it so difucult to get help from any body this is Tribal authority no one care about us
    have a nice day

  2. Hi Lindiwe

    Thanks for the kind words and good luck with quest to get IT skills – I know it is difficult but maybe request that your local library provide access to computers and Internet. It would be a start …

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