Literary Tourism as a Digital Humanities project

For the second year running I’ve taught in the Literary Tourism in KZN course at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. My focus is on the digital resources the project has developed over the past ten years. These include a number of online, literary documentaries, audio interviews, a database of over 100 KwaZulu-Natal writers and a interactive, …

Developing e-resources for research: the case of the KZN Literary Tourism project

Late last year we took part in the e-Learning Festival at the Durban University of Technology, presenting a session on our work with the KZN Literary Tourism project. The KZN Literary Tourism research project is now in its ninth year of operation. Literary Tourism is tourism that deals with places and events from fictional texts …

Literary videos online

As part of the relaunch of the KZN Literary Tourism website, we digitised a number of literary documentaries that had been produced by the project. These are available through the website (under the Podcast tab) and also on the video-sharing website Video, where we have set up a dedicated KZN Literary Tourism channel at …

Transformation Open Journal System

Working with the journal Transformation, we recently set up an Open Journal System (OJS) website – a journal management and publishing system that has been developed by the Public Knowledge Project.  Through the OJS website, we’ve made available all 73 back issues of the journal, digitized with assistance from DISA. OJS is pretty great software with …