Roger Jardine, Niall McNulty and Tamlyn Young
Project info
Along the Way is a project inspired by Doung Anwar Jahangeer ‘sCityWalk. In December 2007 a call went out to Durban’s creative community inviting proposals for an upcoming art festival, Cascoland. Under the theme of “mobility,” the festival was to take place along a specified route with the aim of interaction with public space. As we walked the city it became apparent that the route was less about the buildings, walls and roads—the traditional infrastructure of the city—and more about the people we met along the way. We decided to focus on these people, to celebrate their lives in some small way.
With only a few short weeks to complete this project, we immersed ourselves in the community: walking the streets and talking to anyone and everyone. People with fascinating stories—that they were happy to share—inhabited the route. The key to this wealth of insight was simply a smile and a friendly “hello.”
The notion of mobility suggests something fleeting and personal; a journey is only ever a series of fragmented moments, of sights, smells and sensations. Likewise, this little book is nothing more than a subjective snapshot—a glimpse into just ten of the three-and-a-half million interwoven worlds that make up our city. Creating it has given us a greater understanding of this city we call home. We hope this experience is shared with our readers.
Roger Jardine is a photographer/graphic designer based in Durban, South Africa, where he is one of three partners in Disturbance, a graphic design studio. Disturbance has won many local and international design awards and was recently featured in ID magazine. Roger’s photographs have been exhibited in several local galleries and magazines.
Niall McNulty is a South African researcher and writer interested in the ways in which culture influences place in particular cities. He currently develops literary trails, based on writers and the places associated with them and their texts, in cities around South Africa. He is also involved in an Indigenous Knowledge project—administrate through the eThekwini Municipal Library—collecting and archiving oral stories, folk histories, cultural practices and environmental know-how relevant or related to the City of Durban.
Tamlyn Young won the prestigious Emma Smit Award in 2007. Her exhibition was an installation in which she documented her life for a year. She used multimedia to create animations of her journey as well as mapping the path through Google Earth. She is interested in the way human society organizes space and constructs systems in an attempt to bring order and meaning to existence.
Related Resources
Articles available for download
“Along the Way” book pdf
Project included in The World in My Street, New Urban Imaginaries.