Professor Kearney has recently published a guide to Durban’s rich architectural and cultural heritage. The main objective of the publication is to draw attention to the fragile richness of Durban’s architectural legacy – a distinctly non-renewable resource – and to introduce visitors and locals to an extraordinary polyglot past. The guide deals with the natural history; and the surviving open spaces. It briefly describes a very long prehistory; waves of refugees, settlers and immigrant peoples and their origins; military and political life; culture, religion, recreation and sport; technology, science and education; and trade, commerce and industry. It includes details of monuments, statues, local saints and myths.
A section is devoted to townscape – the quality of urban environment that reaches beyond individual buildings. Durban’s historic architecture is described with descriptions of the significant works of architecture to be found in and around the city: the City Centre; Point and Beachfront; the Berea and inner suburbs; and the newly incorporated areas to the north, south and west. A list of appropriate publications is included as well as lists of local tours, museums and galleries. The guide also incorporates a set of excursions for those wishing to explore the City, whether by foot, car or taxi.
All in all, a pretty good read.
The guide is currently available only in physical format at a cost of R80.00 including post and packaging. Orders can be e-mailed to David Bennett